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The entire Russian government has abruptly resigned. It comes as Vladimir Putin attempts to change the country’s balance of power....

The entire Russian government has abruptly resigned. It comes as Vladimir Putin attempts to change the country’s balance of power.

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Picture: Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik via APSource:AP

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Vladimir Putin has significantly strengthened his grip on power, with voters approving changes to the Russian constitution which will allow him to remain President for at least another 16 years.

Russians have spent the last week voting in a national referendum, which asked them to either support or oppose a wide-ranging package of more than 200 amendments to the nation’s “Basic Law”.

It was an all-or-nothing deal. Voters could either support every amendment, or none of them. And according to Russia’s Central Elections Commission, three-quarters voted yes.

Independent groups have disputed that figure, saying their own exit polls showed support for the package was short of a majority. Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, has dismissed the official result as “fake”.

But of course, allegations of election-rigging are nothing new in Russia.

And the referendum was largely symbolic anyway. While Mr Putin had pledged to honour the result either way, Russia’s houses of parliament already ratified the amendments in question months ago.

RELATED: Vladimir Putin’s plan to ensure his legacy

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Those amendments enshrine a number of socially conservative positions in the constitution, including the definition of marriage as being between a man and woman, belief in god as a “core value”, “protection” of the family as a top priority, and the primacy of Russian law over international law.

Most significantly, buried in the long list of changes is the elimination of a ban on presidents serving more than two consecutive terms.

Mr Putin, 67, has been either president or prime minister of Russia since 1999. His current term as President was supposed to end in 2024.

The changes mean he will now be able to run for two more six-year terms, extending his stay in office until 2036, when he’ll be 83 years old.

He is, effectively, President for life.

President Vladimir Putin. Picture: Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik via APSource:AP

Asked whether he will attempt to stay in power, Mr Putin has repeatedly played coy.

“I have not decided anything for myself yet. I don’t exclude the possibility of this. If the constitution allows the opportunity, we will see,” he said in March, when the amendments passed through parliament.

Then, in a TV interview last week, he hinted even more strongly that it was indeed his intention to remain President.

Mr Putin argued that, without the constitutional changes, Russia’s government would become distracted from more important concerns by the search for his successor.

“Experience tells me there will be searches at various levels of government for possible successors instead of normal rhythmic work in two years,” he said.

“We need to work, not look for successors.”

In one last appeal to voters on Tuesday, Mr Putin addressed the nation, with the statues of Soviet soldiers who died fighting Nazi Germany serving as his backdrop.

“We vote for the country in which we want to live – with modern education and healthcare; with reliable social protection of citizens; with effective power, accountable to society,” he said.

“I am sure each of you, making such an important decision, thinks first of all about your loved ones, and the values that unite us. This is truth and justice; this is respect for workers; for people of older generations; this is family and caring for children and their health, moral, spiritual education.

“(These) amendments to the Basic Law reinforce these values and principles as the highest, unconditional constitutional guarantees. We can ensure stability, security, prosperity and a decent life for people.”

He made no mention of the change to his own term limit.

Mr Putin showing his passport after arriving to cast his own vote in the referendum. Picture: Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik/AFPSource:AFP

The reaction to today’s result was swift and, among Mr Putin’s opponents, furious.

“Right now a huge number of people are frustrated by the result. I voted no, everyone around voted no, but the result is a solid yes,” Mr Navalny said.

“The ‘results’ they just announced are fake and a huge lie. This has nothing to do with the opinion of Russian citizens.

“(Putin) refused to hold a real referendum in accordance with all the rules and with observers present. Because he understood, if there are rules, he will lose.”

The opposition activist group Nyet – “No” in English – said their own exit poll, taken in Moscow, showed 55 per cent of voters had opposed the amendments. The election monitoring organisation Golos said it had recorded more than 1000 violations of the rules.

“Anomalies are obvious. There are regions where turnout is artificially (boosted); there are regions where it is more or less real,” Golos’s co-chairman Grigory Melkonyants told The Associated Press.

For example, turnout was 73 per cent in the region of Tyva, but only 22 per cent in neighbouring Altai.

“These differences can be explained only by forcing people to vote in certain areas, or by rigging,” Golos said.

Mr Melkonyants said the result “can’t really bear any legal standing”.

Government officials had mounted a large effort to increase voter turnout, with polls extended over nearly a week, the last day of voting declared a national holiday, and voters enticed with prizes, including apartments, cars and cash.

There were widespread reports of public sector employees reliant on the state for their jobs being pressured and coerced to vote.

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Hundreds of protesters held a rally in central Moscow today to denounce the constitutional amendments, defying a ban on public gatherings in place to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Several activists lay down in Red Square, forming the number 2036 – a reference to the date Mr Putin can now reign until – before police stepped in.

Vladimir Putin. Picture: Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik via APSource:AP

Financier turned political activist Bill Browder was once the largest foreign investor in Russia, before he was kicked out for being a “threat to national security”.

He has spent the last decade seeking justice for Sergei Magnitsky, who died in 2009 after enduring a year of inhumane conditions in a Russian prison.

Mr Browder spoke to CBC News while the referendum was under way this week, and warned the constitutional changes would allow Mr Putin to stay in power until his death.

“Putin pretty much coronated himself 20 years ago. What we’re going to see in the next couple of days is him ironing out the wrinkles that stood in his way to being President for life,” he said.

“In theory he’ll have to be elected, but that’s sort of a given, given the way they cheat.”

Mr Browder said Mr Putin’s primary motive in keeping power was not any geopolitical ambition for Russia, but a desire to keep himself from losing his wealth and freedom.

“He’s not like a normal head of state. He’s not interested in the welfare of the Russian people, he’s not interested in the greatness of Russia, he’s interested in enriching himself,” he said.

“If he were ever not to be in power, he would lose his money, he would go to jail, and perhaps worse. To him, it’s an existential risk to lose power, and the only way to overcome that existential risk is to stay in power.”

With AFP

Putin‘s ex-wife offered an interview and she stated that Vladimir died a long time ago. Moreover, Putin was replaced by a body double. The interview was offered for the German newspaper Die Welt.

According to Lyudmila, when she got married she was really in love with him. However, the reality was very different from what he really was, since Putin was a very violent and cruel man.

Vladimir Putin never respected his wife and he constantly hit her and mocked her. His wife asked for a divorce but Putin did not accept it and sent him to a psychiatric clinic.

When Lyudmila got out of the clinic she had a conversation with Putin and he told her that he had to go on a trip and he would be back very soon.

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Shortly after that, his double arrived. Lyudmila was surprised because they looked identical. However, she knew that man was not her husband. She was sure that her husband died many time ago and that everything has been programmed.

There are people whose identities cannot be revealed that helped Lyudmila escape. Now she lives abroad and she’s extremely afraid of what is happening in Russia.

Have a look at these 2 videos for more information.

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VIDEO 2: Putin is Dead

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